Immigration Law

Immigration is governed by the Immigration Act, Chap.18:01 and intended to regulate the admission of persons into Trinidad and Tobago. Thus, immigrants who seek permanent residence in Trinidad and Tobago must adhere to the requirements under this Act. A person who is accused of breaching stipulations under the Act is exposed to the possibility of incurring serious penalties. If they are not adequately counselled, they may be at risk of obtaining a conviction for a crime they did not commit. The sanctions are generally criminal nature and may vary from a summary conviction to a deportation order.

The Act regulates entry by allowing permitted entrance for certain persons by virtue of their position or by issuance of a permit, the provisions also explicitly outline who is deemed a prohibited entrant. Trinidad and Tobago has become a hub to our geographical neighbours who are looking for a place of refuge for the purpose of their social and financial security. It is therefore important to have stringent measures to mitigate the threats of national security when it comes to persons entering our borders.